Glendale, Skye - Tourist Guide

Glendale Tourist Guide

Tuesday October 22nd, 2024

Recent Wildlife Sightings in Glendale, Skye

Find out what's around in Glendale, Isle of Skye, with our regularly updated wildlife sighting and nature reports.

If you see any interesting or unusual wildlife in the Glendale area, please or give Andy a call on (01470) 511354.


For the very latest information about recent bird sightings on the Isle of Skye, please visit Bob McMillan's excellent Skye Birds web-site.

Latest Sightings



There was a little egret at the head of Loch Dunvegan at 3:30pm, that flew towards the camp-site.


There was an otter fishing off the cobble beach at Meanish at 5:15pm.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid morning.


Minke Whale - Neist
October 2024

A minke whale spent all morning close in at Neist Point, giving some good close passes.

Golden Plover - Neist
October 2024

There were three leucorhoa wheatears at Neist Point car park at 10am. There was a single golden plover on the point.


A small pod of common dolphins went north past Pooltiel Fish Farm, early evening and, at the same time, there were two larger dolphins off Dunvegan Head, probably bottlenose dolphins.



Common Dolphins - Loch Pooltiel
September 2024

There was a pod of c.20 common dolphins between the big waterfall and pier in Loch Pooltiel at 6pm.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 9:15am.


A skein of 150 pink-footed geese flew south over Loch Pooltiel at 5pm.


There was a chiffchaff with a mixed tit flock that include 6 long-tailed tits in Dunvegan Woods in the afternoon. Several skeins totalling c. 300 pink-foot geese went south over Dunvegan in the afternoon.

A skein of 56 pink-footed geese flew east over Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There were three pods of common dolphins off Neist Point but very distant, with 20 towards North Uist, 10 towards Benbecula and 10 towards Barra. There were six harbour porpoises in outer Moonen Bay.

Two distant arctic skuas went north past Neist Point. There were five purple sandpipers and four turnstones on the point.


An otter swam from the white beach, at Lower Milovaig, north-east across Loch Pooltiel to Scorr Farm, i.e. the long way not the shortest route, at 4:30pm.


There was a minke whale close-in at Neist Point at 12:30pm.


There were 12 redshanks on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, mid afternoon. There was a pale phase arctic skua harassing gulls around the fish farm, mid afternoon. There was a white wagtail on the cobbles at Meanish, mid afternoon.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at 7:30pm.

There were 10+ common dolphins breaching and splashing in outer Loch Pooltiel at 5:20pm.


There was an otter off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 9am (Alison Stables).

There was a single turnstone at Neist Point, the first of the winter.


100 pink-footed geese flew south over Loch Pooltiel at 6pm.


A skein of 60 followed by a skein of 200 pink-footed geese went south over Loch Pooltiel, early evening.


There was a late leucorhoa wheatear below the bottom road in Upper Milovaig at 8:30am.


Two brent geese went south and a juvenile arctic skua went north past Neist Point at mid-day.

There was a male hen harrier hunting beside the Glendale-Dunvegan Campsite road, at the head of Loch Dunvegan, at 3pm.


There was an otter off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 8am that came into the burn.


At Neist Point at mid-day: 1 sanderling, 2 leucorhoa wheatears, 1 white wagtail and a flock of 40 twite.



There was a greenshank on the white beach that flew onto the skerries at 6:30pm.


White Wagtail - Milovaig
August 2024

A sanderling flew south over Meanish Pier at 5:50pm. There were at least 10 white wagtails around the Milovaig loop


There were six white wagtails and eight pied wagtails at Meanish, early evening.


A barn owl was hunting in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig in the early hours of the morning.


Neist Point Seawatch: 3 arctic skuas south, 1 bonxie, 1 juv kestrel south.

On the point: 7 leucorhoa wheatears, 5 ringed plovers (only our 2nd ever record of ringed plover at Neist).

Out of c. 100 pairs of fulmars only six nests produced a chick. Pretty much a bird desert out on the sea today.


Orcas, JC and Aquarius, went south-west past Pooltiel Fish Farm at 5:45pm heading towards Oisgill and Neist.


Calendar Front
August 2024

Calendar Back
August 2024

Glendale Calendar 2025

My Glendale Calendar for 2025 is now available. It is A4 size, spiral-bound, opening out to A3. It is £14 + P&P.

Postage to the UK is as follows:

  • 1 or 2 Calendars = £3.20
  • 3 Calendars = £6.30

Message me with your email address if you would like a copy and I will send you a paypal or zettle invoice.

To save postage, you can also collect from me here in Glendale or purchase them directly from me at Glendale Craft Market on Tuesdays (when it is open).

There was a whinchat on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 6pm. There were four common terns feeding around the skerries in Loch Pooltiel all evening.



There were two harbour porpoises in outer Loch Pooltiel at 7pm.

Orcas, JC and Aquarius, went north past Neist Point at 7:30pm (Jez Himsworth) and then were seen off Dunvegan Head between 9:30pm and 10:30pm from a boat.

There were two common terns feeding around the skerries and moorings in the evening.


A pod of c.6 bottlenose dolphins came into outer Loch Pooltiel, breaching 30 yards from shore by the rock pools, at 9pm (Wild Camper).

There was still a common tern feeding around the skerries, early evening.


There were two common terns feeding around the skerries and resting on the moorings in Loch Pooltiel, early evening.


There was a barn owl screeching on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 12:20 am.


Common Dolphin - Loch Pooltiel
July 2024

There was a pod of c.12 common dolphins in outer Loch Pooltiel by the waterfall at 7pm, with some newborn calves. They were still in the outer loch between the fish farm and waterfall at 10:30pm.

There was a minke whale, a harbour porpoise, a distant pod of 8 Risso's dolphins and a distant pod of c. 20 common dolphins off Neist Point in the afternoon.

The minke whale surfaced several times at Neist between 4pm and 5pm (Simon Clark).

There were 20 lesser black-backed gulls on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, early evening, a record count and there were another 8 by the rock pools west of Meanish.

Great Skua - Neist
July 2024

Arctic Skua - Neist
July 2024

There were six arctic skuas, four bonxies and two puffins moving south off Neist Point in the afternoon. There were 20 manx shearwaters out in the Minch.

There were two males and a female bullfinch on croft 3 Lephin, late afternoon.


Orca - Neist
July 2024

Orcas, John Coe & Aquarius, went south past Neist Point at 8:30pm (Alan Rigell & Shona, Andy Stables).

The magpie is still visiting gardens at Waterstein (Debbie Lane).


There were two house martins on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, late afternoon. The first of the year.


There were two minke whales and four harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

There were two minke whales out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 8pm.

A seawatch at Neist Point produced: 6 arctic skuas south, 3 arctic terns north, 200+ puffins  mostly south, 300+ kittiwakes south.


Minke Whale - Neist
July 2024

There were two minke whales and two Risso's dolphins making close approaches to Neist Point in the afternoon.

Arctic Tern - Neist
July 2024

Redshank - Neist
July 2024

An arctic tern and an arctic skua both went north past Neist Point in the afternoon. There were two redshanks on the point and 10 puffins offshore in the afternoon.


Grey Wagtail - Lower Milovaig
July 2024

There was a grey wagtail in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig in the evening.


There was a long-eared owl fledgling calling at Feriniquarrie at 11am (Lynden Schofield).


Minke Whale - Milovaig
July 2024

A minke whale went south past Pooltiel fish farm at 7:15pm. At the same time, there were dozens of common dolphins breaching out in the minch and 12 harbour porpoises in outer Loch Pooltiel.

White Wagtail - Meanish
July 2024

There was a white wagtail with a juvenile on the shore near Meanish at 7:30pm. Two ringed plovers flew south over Meanish at 7pm.


A single arctic skua went north and two puffins went south past Neist Point in the afternoon.

Minke Whale - Neist
July 2024

There was a distant minke whale off Neist Point. A very distant pod of 8-10 Risso's dolphins went south off Neist. All in the afternoon.


Common Dolphin - Loch Pooltiel
July 2024

Common Dolphin - Loch Pooltiel
July 2024

Two harbour porpoises were in Loch Pooltiel at 6:30pm between the big waterfall and Meanish. They were joined by a pod of 10+ common dolphins at 6:45pm.

Whinchat - Lower Milovaig
July 2024

There was a whinchat below the bottom road on croft 2 Lower Milovaig at 6:15pm.



A basking shark went north past Neist Point in the afternoon and another was distant towards Canna. A small pod of distant common dolphins was over by South Uist. There were at least two groups of three harbour porpoises, each with young and newborn calves.

Bonxie - Neist Point
June 2024

A bonxie went south past Neist Point, briefly attacking the gulls.


Greater Butterfly Orchid - Feriniquarrie (Lynden Schofield)
June 2024

There were 100+ common dolphins out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig all evening, spread out in small groups covering all visible sea as far as the eye could see.

There was a single specimen of Greater Butterfly Orchid at a site in Feriniquarrie (Lynden Scofield).


There was a singing male grasshopper warbler in the Estate woodland near Lephin at 7:30am and again at 11pm.


A pair of barn owls were seen carrying prey at a location on the Glendale Estate at 10:30pm (Lynden Schofield).


At 4pm, there was a basking shark moving south past Neist Point, a distant minke whale heading north and two bottlenose dolphins by the lighthouse (Ruben Vermeer).

Magpie - Waterstein (Ruben Vermeer)
June 2024

The magpie was still visiting gardens at Waterstein (Ruben Vermeer).


Northern Marsh Orchid - Lephin
June 2024

There was a single northern marsh orchid on croft 2 Lephin, the first ever record at this site.


An immature Iceland gull flew over Meanish towards the fish farm at 6:30pm.


Manx Shearwaters - Neist
June 2024

The magpie was eating roadkill at 3 Waterstein at 11am. There were 20 manx shearwaters surface-feeding off Neist at mid-day.


A single puffin went south at Neist in the morning.



The corncrake was last heard on a croft on the Glendale Estate (SP).


There was a distant minke whale, two harbour porpoises and a distant pod of common dolphins off Lower Milovaig, early afternoon. The minke whale was still present at 6pm.


The magpie visited bird feeders in a garden at Waterstein today (Greg Lane).


Corncrake still calling on a croft on the Glendale Estate during the early hours of the morning.


There were two minke whales and five harbour porpoises off Neist Point (Chris Gilbert).

A second observer reporting the same corncrake on a croft on the Glendale Estate, with a report of the bird being first heard on May 11th (per

Report of a large, dark raptor possibly a black kite or female marsh harrier being mobbed by hoodies over the brae at 2:30pm, heading north (Lynden Schofield, per A black kite was subsequently reported on Barra the next day, the 22nd.

There are still two common terns hanging around Meanish and the outer loch.


There was a corncrake calling on a croft on the Glendale Estate during the night.

There are still four common terns surfacing feeding around Meanish and resting on the moorings and there were 10 there on the 19th.


There were two harbour porpoises off Neist Point at mid-day.

Two common terns flew north at Neist Point at mid-day.


Tree Sparrow - Milovaig
May 2024

There was a puffin off Meanish, early evening. The tree sparrow was visiting feeders at 2 Lower Milovaig again in the evening.


There was a tree sparrow visiting the seed feeders at 2 Lower Milovaig at mid-day. The first baby house sparrows fledged today.

White Wagtail - Meanish
May 2024

There was a white wagtail at Meanish, early evening.


There were 10 common terns surface-feeding on Loch Pooltiel, around the white-beach, moorings and Meanish all evening and were still there the following morning.


An adult Sabine's gull was seen and photographed off Neist Point (per


Common Tern - Neist
May 2024

There was a flock of 18 common terns surface-feeding at Neist Point in the morning. An arctic skua went south and there were 3 whimbrels on the point.


There was an otter west of Meanish in the evening.


A magpie was reported at Upper Colbost (per This may be the long-staying, Milovaig bird that has wandered.


Minke Whale - Neist
May 2024

There was a minke whale off Neist Point at mid-day, that made a very close pass, and two harbour porpoises.

Great Northern Diver - Neist
May 2024

Whimbrels - Neist
May 2024

2.5 hour seawatch at Neist Point: 1 arctic skua south, 24 whimbrels in total (some on the point and some heading north), 1 sand martin north, several hundred kittiwakes north. There were four purple sandpipers on the point and a great northern diver off shore. Only one fulmar on the nesting ledges and no fulmars on the water.


There was a singing male blackcap in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 9am. The first of the spring. There was also a singing male chiffchaff in the same garden, late afternoon.


There was a small pod of common dolphins south of Colbost jetty at 5:45am (Judith Turner).


There was a singing male sedge warbler in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 5:30pm. The first of the spring. There was a singing male chiffchaff at the Boatshed, early evening. There was a cuckoo calling the Scorr Farm / Ferinquarrie area in the evening, my first of the year.

Otter - Meanish
May 2024

There was an otter fishing off Meanish at 6pm that came onto the cobbles to eat a lobster.



There was a cuckoo calling at Husabost (Judith Turner).


There were two canada geese standing beside the road at Hamara Parks, mid afternoon.


A minke whale surfaced twice off Neist Point in the morning.

Puffin - Neist Point
April 2024

Whimbrel - Neist
April 2024

At Neist Point in the morning: 11 whimbrels, 8 puffins, the first two manx shearwaters of the year, south, 5 purple sandpipers.

There was a single whimbrel on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 4pm.


The first two redpolls of the spring were back at Lephin, early morning.


Whimbrel - Meanish
April 2024

There were two whimbrels on the shore west of Meanish and six white wagtails on the cobbles at Meanish, early evening.


There was a flock of 12 linnets in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8:45am.


There was a white wagtail on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, early evening.

There was a nuthatch on bird feeders at Galtrigill (Susannah Robson). This is the first ever record of nuthatch in the Glendale area.


Minke Whale - Neist
April 2024

There was a minke whale off Neist at mid-day that did one close pass but mostly remained quite distant. There were two harbour porpoises close to shore at Neist at mid-day.

There were two swallows back on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig all day. The common sandpiper was shrieking at the pier, late afternoon.

Some passage migrants at Neist today : 1 bonxie north, 1 whimbrel north, 7 puffins north, 1 barnacle goose north, 30 whooper swans north, 1 sand martin north. There were large numbers of guillemots and razorbills heading south. There was a leucorhoa type female wheatear on the point.


The first swallow of the spring was on overhead wires at 2 Lephin at mid-day.

The magpie was calling in Mary Anne's garden at Lower Milovaig at 6:15pm. There was a white wagtail a Meanish, early evening.


The first common sandpiper of the spring was on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 6pm. There were four male willow warblers singing on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig for the first time this year. The red-throated divers were being very vocal on Loch Pooltiel today and there were two great northern divers in the outer loch.

The first cuckoo of the spring was at Colbost (Andy Harding).


There was a barn owl hunting on croft 2 Lephin at dusk.


Linnet - Meanish
April 2024

There were three linnets at Meanish Pier, early evening. This species is still very scarce this season. Only my 2nd sighting so far.


There was an otter off Meanish (Jack McNulty).

Willow Warbler - Milovaig
April 2024

The long-staying magpie was in MacDougall's Spruces, late morning, with a chiffchaff and the first willow warbler of the spring also feeding there.


There were three redshanks on the shore below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, late afternoon.

A group of 7 golden plovers flew west over Borrodale at 8am.


There was a summer-plumage great northern diver in outer Loch Pooltiel, late afternoon.


Chiffchaff - Milovaig
April 2024

Redwing - Milovaig
April 2024

Juvenile White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
April 2024

Overlapping summer/winter visitors today, with the first chiffchaff of the spring at MacDougall's Spruces and three redwings on the top road in Lower Milovaig. Two juvenile white-tailed eagles continue to hang out around Milovaig, giving some very close views.



Minke Whale - Neist Point
March 2024

Harbour Porpoise - Neist Point
March 2024

There were two minke whales back at Neist Point, the first of the year, and two harbour porpoises.

The first linnet of the year was at Neist Point. There were three whooper swans on Loch Mor. There were two juvenile white-tailed eagles hanging around Neist and Moonen Bay.


The first two siskins of the spring were using bird feeders at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8am.


There were two lesser black-backed gulls at Hamara Parks at 8am.


The first female wheatear arrived at Neist Point today. She was accompanied by three male wheatears who were very actively displaying, singing and fighting.


There were two male wheatears at Neist Point, one of which was singing.


Wheatear - Lower Milovaig
March 2024

Lesser Black-Back - Lower Milovaig
March 2024

The first lesser black-backed gull of the year was on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid morning.

The first two male wheatears of the spring were below the bottom road on croft 2 Lower Milovaig, mid afternoon.


Canada Geese - Loch Pooltiel
March 2024

There were two Canada Geese on Loch Pooltiel, amongst the moorings, at 5pm that took off around towards the fish farm.


The long-staying magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8:30am and again at mid-day.

Meadow pipits have begun arriving with four at Lower Milovaig and one at Upper Milovaig in the morning. Then a flock of 52 meadow pipits were at Meanish, late afternoon.

There were two white wagtails with a pied wagtail at Hamara Parks at 8am.


There were two pairs of pied wagtails below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, early afternoon. One pair was chased by a female merlin.


Still scarce, there was a male pied wagtail below the bottom road in Upper Milovaig at 8am.

The first twites of the spring were back today with a flock of 20 at Neist Point car park.


There was a flock of 72 purple sandpipers and 10 turnstones at Neist Point. This is the largest flock of purple sandpipers every recorded on Skye.


The first pied wagtails of the spring came in overnight with one at Upper Milovaig and another at Lephin.


The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at mid-day (Alison Stables).


An adult white-tailed eagle flew low over the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig carrying a thick stick that was equal to its own wingspan in length.


There were two otters fishing together off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at first light.



There was a flock of 8 skylarks on the top road in Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There were two distant harbour porpoises off Neist Point at mid-day.

There was a flock of 10 skylarks at Neist Point lighthouse and two more at the car park.

There are still two juvenile white-tailed eagles hanging around Milovaig.


There were c. 10 common dolphins close to Pooltiel Fish Farm at 5:30pm.

The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8:30am.

There were two white-tailed eagles sitting at the top of Beinn Bhuidhe, Upper Milovaig from 5pm until 6pm.


There was a merlin chasing a rock pipit on the steps at Neist Point at mid-day.


There were four juvenile white-tailed eagles together over Neist Point at mid-day. The fulmars are now fully back on the nesting ledges. There were two skylarks at Waterstein.


There were three skylarks at Neist Car Park. The first meadow pipit of the spring was on Neist Point. The fulmars were back and inspecting the nesting ledges. The common guillemots and herring gulls were back on the nesting ledges for the first time this year. There were two adult white-tailed eagles chasing fulmars by the Stallion's Head.


Juvenile White-Tailed Eagle - Pooltiel
February 2024

A juvenile white-tailed eagle landed on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 10:50am and remained until 11:20am when it flew across to Scorr Farm. The bird had a silver ring on its left leg, so wasn't one of our locally-born birds.


There was a drake goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid afternoon.


Magpie - Lower Milovaig
February 2024

The magpie was at 2 Lower Milovaig again, mid afternoon and flew to Mary Anne's trees.


The first returning skylark of the spring was back in territory at Neist Point at mid-day.


There was a distant pod of 10+ common dolphins off Neist at mid-day.

There were six harbour porpoises in Moonen Bay at sunset.

Things were starting to come back to life at Neist Point today: 30+ gannets north, lots of common gulls and kittiwakes heading north, 1 razorbill north. On the point: 20 turnstones, 1 jack snipe, 1 common snipe, shags back on the nesting ledges.

There was a brown hare at Borrodale at 6pm.


The magpie was in the spruces behind 2 Lower Milovaig at 3:30pm.

January 2024


There was a short-eared owl by the Ramasaig junction at Borrodale at dusk.

There were 3 woodcock circling together on croft 2 Lephin at dusk.


The snowdrops have opened in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig, which is much later than usual.


The magpie was on the front lawn at 2 Lower Milovaig at 1:15pm.


The magpie was below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 12:45pm and flew across to the seaward end of the Milovaig loop.


There was a distant pod of c.20 common dolphins travelling south down the Minch off Neist Point at mid-day.


Ringed Plover - Coral Beach
January 2024

Teal - Loch Suardal
January 2024

There were 25+ golden plovers at the head of Loch Dunvegan. There were two whooper swans, two drake teal and two little grebes on Loch Suardal. On the walk to the Coral Beach at Claigan there were: male merlin, 20 wigeon and 9 ringed plovers.


An otter caught and ate a fish on the shore at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at 2:45pm. Some 4K video at:

There were four harbour porpoises out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 2:30pm.


The magpie was calling in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig, early morning.


There was a drake goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


The magpie was above the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 2:30pm.

December 2023


Otter - Neist Point
December 2023

There was a dog otter on the rocks at the tip of Neist Point at 1pm. Some 4K video at

There was an otter fishing just north of Meanish at 2:15pm.


There were 3 or 4 distant common dolphins breaching and splashing off Neist, towards South Uist, and two distant harbour porpoises, towards Benbecula, early afternoon.

There were 12 turnstones at Neist Point and a single gannet.


There was a mistle thrush at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at mid-day.


The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 11:45am.


There was a distant pod of 10 common dolphins off Neist Point at mid-day.


This was the last day that the female blackcap came to the feeders at 2 Lower Milovaig.



The magpie was on the roof at 2 Lower Milovaig at 9:30am.


The long-staying magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig, mid afternoon. The female blackcap is still coming to the fatball feeders there.

There was a puffin feeding close-in at Neist Point at mid-day and 2 whooper swans on Loch Mor.


There was an otter fishing at the shoreline between Meanish and the White Beach at mid-day.


A male merlin flew through the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig, mid-morning.


There were four adult white-tailed eagles interacting and being very vocal over Neist Point car park at mid-day. A great northern diver went south past Neist Point in the morning and there was a late gannet off-shore.


There was an otter fishing off the western side of Meanish at mid-day.

Blackcap - Lower Milovaig
November 2023

There was a female blackcap using the fatball feeders at 2 Lower Milovaig, early afternoon.


At Loch Mor in the morning: 2 teal, 20 lapwings, 19 little grebes, 8 goldeneye, 1 redshank, 3 dippers.


An otter brought a large lobster onto the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 2pm and ate it at the shoreline.


There was a swallow on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 11am.


A distant pod of c. 12 common dolphins went north up the Minch off Neist in the morning.

There were six purple sandpipers and a turnstone at Neist Point. Hundreds of kittiwakes and auks were moving north past the point during a 1.5 hour seawatch in the morning with two gannets north.



Waxwing - Milovaig
October 2023

There was a single waxwing in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at dawn. It later returned with a 2nd waxwing at 10am.

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Feriquarrie
October 2023

There was a great spotted woodpecker at bird feeders in the garden at Feriniquarrie (Sue Mansell). That's the first record of this species in Glendale since Nov 2012.


Golden Plovers - Dunvegan
October 2023

There was a flock of 62 golden plovers with 1 knot at the head of Loch Dunvegan.

Waxwing - Orbost
October 2023

Waxwing - Orbost
October 2023

There were five waxwings briefly at Bharcasaig Bay, Orbost at mid-day.


A red kite flew over Feriniquarrie at 9:30am. It was then relocated over Borrodale School shortly afterwards before heading east over Hamara Lodge and Lephin (Lynden Schofield).

There were 50 golden plovers at the head of Loch Dunvegan (per skye-birds).


White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
October 2023

White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
October 2023

A juvenile white-tailed eagle wandered into our local pair's territory and was chased off by the male in the afternoon.


Common Dolphin - Neist
October 2023

A pod of c. 12 common dolphins made a very close pass at Neist Point at mid-day. Four harbour porpoises went north past Neist in the morning.

There was a merlin at Neist Point in the morning carrying prey. There was a late skylark on the point.

There were both male and female blackcaps in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig today.


Minke Whale - Neist
October 2023

A minke whale surfaced six times, close to shore, at Neist Point at mid-day.

18 whooper swans flew south down the Minch off Neist, mid morning.

There were 18 long-tailed tits on croft 2 Lephin at 3pm.


The first woodcock of the winter was on croft 2 Lephin at 6:30pm.


There was a single harbour porpoise close in at Neist Point at mid-day.


Brambling - Lower Milovaig
October 2023

There were a male and female brambling in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig plus a female blackcap, 40 fieldfares, 40 redwings and the magpie in the morning.


The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 1pm.


There was a male blackcap in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 5pm.

There was a very tame long-tailed duck at the mouth of the Hamara at 5:30pm (Lynden Schofield).


There was a flock of 40 fieldfares at Upper Milovaig at 8:30am.

There were c.20 long-tailed tits in MacDougall's Spruces at 11am (Emily Gilby).


There was a flock of 200 redwings at Feriniquarrie in the morning and a flock of 200 fieldfares at Feriniquarrie in the afternoon (Lynden Schofield).


There were 20 common dolphins in outer Loch Pooltiel at 4pm that headed off towards Harris. Immediately following them another 20 came north past the fish farm at 4:10pm and also headed across towards Harris.

A juvenile Iceland gull went north and a late puffin went south during a two-hour seawatch at Neist in the morning.

There were 10 long-tailed tits on croft 2 Lephin at 3pm.

A group of 7 barnacle geese flew north at Neist Point in the morning.


The long-staying magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8am. There was a flock of 18 long-tailed tits in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 5:15pm.

There was a leucorhoa wheatear at Neist Point at mid-day. A barnacle goose with a yellow, right leg ring flew north over Neist Point, late morning.

There was a flock of 40 redwings at Alt Mor cottage, Upper Milovaig, mid morning.


There was a single redwing at Lephinat 8am, the first arrival of the winter.

A flock of 25 redwings flew south along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 8:34am.


Brent Geese - Lower Milovaig
October 2023

There were four brent geese at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at 4pm.


The little grebe was off the skerries again, late afternoon.



The otter and her two cubs were fishing and playing off the white beach at 3:45pm.

The magpie was calling from the roof of Sgarbh Lodge, Lower Milovaig at 7:15am.


A minke whale went south past Neist Point, late morning.

Two distant bonxies went north past Neist Point at mid-day. There were no wheatears on Neist Point for the first time since spring.


The magpie flew into the garden at 1 Lower Milovaig at 5pm.


There were four bullfinches and a flock of 30+ linnets on croft 2 Lephin at 8:15am.


There were 30+ mixed pied/white wagtails at Meanish and 100+ meadow pipits below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, early evening.


The otter and two cubs were on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 6:45pm (Matt Scott).


The little grebe is still off the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, late evening.


There was a little grebe off the skerries in Loch Pooltiel and a white wagtail in cobble bay at Meanish, late afternoon.


There was a flock of 50+ goldfinches on croft 2 Lephin all afternoon.

Juvenile Merlin - Meanish
September 2023

Juvenile Merlin - Meanish
September 2023

The magpie was in trees by the boatshed at Lower Milovaig and flew onto the roof of Ard Meanish from 5pm and 5:30pm. There was a red-throated diver with a fledged chick on Loch Pooltiel, late afternoon. A female merlin flew a few passes around Meanish at 5pm.


There are now 4 eclipse male eiders around the skerries in the evening.



There were three eclipse male eiders off the skerries in Loch Pooltiel in the evening.


There was an otter with two cubs fishing and playing in Loch Pooltiel off Lower Milovaig from 7pm until 7:30pm.

A minke whale surfaced once within 30m of the tip of Neist Point at 2:40pm.

A pale phase arctic skua went north past Neist Point in the afternoon.


There were two distant harbour porpoises off Neist Point, towards Canna, in the afternoon.

3-hour seawatch at Neist: 12 manx shearwaters north, 5 turnstones north. There were four greenland race wheatears on the point. Lots of gannets diving close-in around the point.


A mink ran across the B884 around 200 yards west of Café Lephin at 9:30pm.


A flock of 13 ringed plovers were standing in the road outside Carter's Rest at 11:30am. When disturbed, they took off south, heading inland.

The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 18:45pm.

The long-eared owl was at Hamara Parks again at 9:45pm.

There were four ringed plovers in the cobble bay at Meanish, late evening (Colleen Turner).


Four-hour seawatch at Neist Point: 2 arctic terns south, 1 arctic skua hanging around, 2 whimbrel south, 12+ manxies south, 6 leucorhoa wheatears on the point. No auks except for 1 black guillemot. 100+ gannets passing through.


There was a long-eared owl at Hamara Parks at 10pm.


There were an adult and a juvenile arctic tern roosting on a buoy in Loch Pooltiel, near the skerries, in the evening.


Common Dolphins - Loch Pooltiel
August 2023

A pod of 12+ common dolphins came in close at Meanish between 7:30pm and 8pm.


There was a pod of 20+ common dolphins breaching and splashing in inner Loch Pooltiel at 8:45am.


Minke Whale - Neist
August 2023

There were two distant minke whales off Neist Point in the afternoon, plus 20+ distant common dolphins and six porpoises.

Leucorhoa Wheatear - Neist
August 2023

A 4.5 hour seawatch at Neist Point in the afternoon produced: 1 storm petrel south (1st time we ever had one there), 2 bonxies, 2 arctic skuas north, 2 puffins, 100+ manx shearwaters south, 1 common tern north. There were 3 leucorhoa wheatears on the point and 1 normal type.


The long-staying magpie was calling from the trees on the bottom road on croft 2 Lower Milovaig at 9am and was feeding on open ground behind Seal Skerry cottage in the evening.


There was a family group of 14+ long-tailed tits in the garden at Lephin Cottage at 2pm.


Otter - Lower Milovaig
August 2023

There was an otter on the shore at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at mid-day that went out a few hundred metres into the middle of the loch to fish.


Humpback Whale - Neist
August 2023

Humpback Whale - Neist
August 2023

Outstanding day for cetaceans at Neist today with: 1 humpack whale, 2 orcas (JC & Aquarius), 2 basking sharks, 1 minke whale, 30+ common dolphins and four porpoise.


Common Dolphins - Loch Pooltiel
August 2023

There were c.20 common dolphins in inner Loch Pooltiel and around the pier from 5:30pm until at least 7pm.

A greenshank flew south at Meanish Pier at 6:20pm.



Minke Whale - Neist
July 2023

A minke whale did four close-in surfaces at Neist in the afternoon. Plus 3 harbour porpoises.

Two distant bonxies went north at Neist in the afternoon. A distant unidentified tern went north. There were 40 manx shearwaters far out at Neist. Very few seabirds.


Magpie - Lower Milovaig
July 2023

The magpie was in the garden again at 2 Lower Milovaig.


There was a report of 2 orcas, 3-4 Risso's dolphins and 2 minke whales close in at Neist Point during a single hour in the morning (per Bob McMillan).


Small groups of auks were moving north during the morning including c.100 puffins in groups of up to 30.


Two humpback whales were photographed and videoed breaching and lunge feeding off Ollisdale, Glendale from the vessel, Elizabeth G (per Hebrides & NW Skye Facebook group).

A single arctic skua went south at Neist Point in the afternoon. The auks have all jumped the ledges and there were several football-whistling juvenile razorbills at the tip of Neist. Only the fulmars and a few shags are still on the ledges. The fulmars have large chicks in the nest.


Orcas, JC and Aquarius, were seen at Oisgill Bay at 2:30pm heading north (Ineke & Chris van Zanten).

Common Tern - Loch Pooltiel
July 2023

White-Tailed Eagle - Meanish
July 2023

A common tern flew south over Meanish Pier, did a few feeding dives on the loch and then continued south. Our local male white-tailed eagle flew low past Meanish at 5pm.


The magpie was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig again at 9:15am.


Common Dolphin - Loch Pooltiel
July 2023

There was a pod of around 8 common dolphins in Loch Pooltiel from 6:30pm until 7pm, giving close views from Meanish.


Common Dolphin - Loch Pooltiel
July 2023

A pod of between 12 and 20 common dolphins spent from 8pm until at least 9:30pm in inner Loch Pooltiel and around the pier.

A pair of buzzards nesting at Upper Milovaig successfully fledged two young today.


There was a bonxie at Neist Point in the afternoon.

There was a good count of 7 lesser back-backed gulls on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, early evening.


Common Dolphin - Neist
July 2023

There was a pod of six common dolphins close-in around Neist Point, wandering as far as Ramasaig, in the afternoon. A second pod of 12 was further out towards North Uist, heading north.

A single bonxie went south at Neist, a distant arctic skua south and three puffins north in the afternoon.


The grasshopper warbler at Lephin is still singing during the afternoon (Alison Stables) and going strong at 11pm.


There was a singing male grasshopper warbler between the Holmisdale Road and Community Hall at 11pm.


Common Dolphins - Loch Pooltiel
July 2023

A pod of c.20 common dolphins spent from 6:50pm until 8:15pm around Meanish, coming into the inner loch twice and even made a close approach to the pier.


Common Dolphin - Neist
July 2023

There were around 20 common dolphins in small groups around Neist Point in the afternoon.

Puffin - Neist Point
July 2023

Three puffins went south at Neist Point in the afternoon, two arctic skuas went north and 40 manx shearwaters went south.


Minke Whale - Neist
July 2023

A distant pod of 20 common dolphins went north past Neist at mid-day. There were four harbour porpoises at the point. There was a minke whale in Moonen Bay at 4pm.

A single puffin went south past Neist in the afternoon.


There were 107 great black-backed gulls on the white beach in Milovaig at 11am, an unusally large count, with four lesser black-backed gulls and a few herring and common gulls.

Magpie - Lower Milovaig
July 2023

There was a magpie in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 6:15pm.


There were four lesser black-backed gulls on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, the first since the spring.



There were three distant minke whales off Dunvegan Head and another distant one behind the fish farm at 6:45pm. One of the Dunvegan Head minkes did eight full-body breaches, making huge splashes. There was also a distant pod of c. 10 common dolphins off Lower Milovaig and several harbour porpoises by the fish farm at the same time.


A pair of whinchats were giving alarm calls at Feriniquarrie (Andy & Dorn Share).


There was an otter with a cub fishing on Loch Dunvegan opposite the Three Chimneys at 7am (Fiona Gillespie).

There was a minke whale, making some close approaches, at the tip of Neist Point at 1pm. There was a pod of 3 harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.


Arctic Skua - Neist
June 2023

An arctic skua put on an amazing show for about an hour in the afternoon at Neist Point. They've been very scarce and distant this year up until now.


An otter crossed the top road in Lower Milovaig beside 'the Croft House' and continued up the track towards Hill Cottage at around 10:30pm (Graham Drummond).

There was at least one minke whale at Neist Point from 5:45pm until dusk (Simon Haworth).


Bottlenose Dolphin - Neist
June 2023

A pod of c.10 bottlenose dolphins were bow-riding a yacht south past Neist Point at 2:20pm.


There was a large, dog otter fishing off Meanish, on the outer loch side, from 7:45pm onwards.


There was an otter, hissing and snarling, at Meanish Pier at 2am.

There was a singing male whitethroat on croft 3 Lephin at 7:15am. The first I have found this year.

Porpoise - Neist
June 2023

There were c.20 harbour porpoise around Neist Point at mid-day, with at least two females with calves.

Puffin - Neist Point
June 2023

There were c. 10 puffins off the tip of Neist Point at mid-day.


The otter was fishing off the white beach at 10:50pm.


The otter was fishing off the white beach at 7:30am (Alison Stables).

There was a barn owl hunting in the garden at An Acarsaid, Upper Milovaig at 11:30pm and the tawny owl fledgling was again at Hamara Lodge.


There was a small pod of bottlenose? dolphins in outer Loch Pooltiel at 9am (Linda ?).

There was a tawny owl with a fledgling on the fence at Hamara Lodge at 11:30pm.

There was a barn owl screeching outside 2 Lower Milovaig at 12:30am.


There was a grey wagtail on the burn on the top road in Upper Milovaig, mid afternoon. There are three pairs of stonechats with successfully fledged young in Lower Milovaig.


Porpoise - Neist
June 2023

There was a single harbour porpoise off Neist all day.

A single arctic skua went south, at a distance, off Neist in the afternoon.



There was a singing male blackcap in the gardens at the Three Chimneys at 7:30am.


Dipper with Fledgling - Ramasaig
May 2023

A dipper was feeding fledged young at Ramasaig. There were three pairs of grey wagtails at Ramasaig and a juvenile white-tailed eagle.


There were at least 3 harbour porpoises close in at Neist Point at mid-day.

A pod of c.20 common dolphins went south past Pooltiel Fish Farm, late afternoon. There were two harbour porpoises in outer Loch Pooltiel at the same time.

A bonxie flew south across Neist Point at mid-day.

The pair of stonechats at Meanish have successfully fledged 4 young on exactly the same date as they did last year.


There was a greenshank calling from the white beach at 11pm.


The otter was fishing along the shore from the pier to the white beach for an hour around 8:45pm (Kathrin & Narek Saribekyan).


The otter was fishing off the white beach at Upper Milovaig at 10:15am.

Risso's Dolphin - Neist
May 2023

There were three distant Risso's dolphins off Neist Point, towards Barra, all day.

Iceland Gull - Neist Point
May 2023

Bonxie - Neist Point
May 2023

There was a single Iceland Gull on the water at the end of Neist Point and a single bonxie flew south past the point.

Sanderling - Meanish
May 2023

Sanderling - Meanish
May 2023

There were two stunning sanderlings at Meanish in the evening, one of which was colour-ringed.


There was a magpie in a garden at Galtrigill (per


There was an otter fishing and coming ashore to feed at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at 10am and then again at 9pm (Emma & Robert Rookwood).


There was a small pod of at least 3 common dolphins off Neist Point at 5:20pm (Stef Driessen).

The otter was fishing off the skerries at 5:45pm and slowly worked its way across to the Eastern end of the white beach before coming ashore.

Great Northern Diver - Loch Pooltiel
May 2023

There are still two summer-plumage great northern divers on Loch Pooltiel.


There were two whimbrels at Neist Point and a single arctic skua went north there. There were big rafts of seabirds surface-feeding around Neist Point including 200+ manx shearwaters, 200+ kittiwakes and hundreds of auks.


An otter was in the road outside 2 Lower Milovaig at 11pm. It came through the garden gate. Sat on the front doormat for a while, then ran underneath the sitting room window and disappeared into the back garden.

Three distant arctic skuas went south past Neist Point at mid-day.


There was a singing male sedge warbler by the Community Hall, mid morning. The first house sparrows fledged en masse today at Milovaig and Lephin.


The otter came onto the white beach at 8pm.

Great Northern Diver - Meanish
May 2023

There was a late, summer-plumaged great northern diver off Meanish, early evening.


The otter was on the white beach at Upper Milovaig at 1:45pm.


There was a singing male grasshopper warbler in the forestry near Hamara Lodge, mid morning (Alison Stables).


Otter - Lower Milovaig
May 2023

The otter was feeding on the shore at Lower Milovaig for a couple of hours in the afternoon.


White-Tailed Eagle - Waterstein
May 2023

First of the spring, two dark-phase arctic skuas went south past Neist Point. There was a single whimbrel on the point. Twenty manx shearwaters went north. There were two juvenile white-tailed eagles at Loch Mor, late morning.


Dunlin - Milovaig
May 2023

There were two dunlins and a white wagtail at Meanish in the evening.


There was a single whimbrel at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at 5:45pm.


Linnet - Milovaig
May 2023

Leucorhoa Wheatear - Milovaig
May 2023

In the evening: There were a pair linnets, 3 swallows and a sand martin at MacDougall's spruces, a pair of leucorhoa wheatears at Meanish. Six swallows flew West over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig


Otter - Lower Milovaig
May 2023

The female otter was eating a lobster on the shore at Lower Milovaig at 6pm.

There was a cuckoo at Colbost, bear Skye Silver at 7:45am (my first of the spring).

Peregrine - Lower Milovaig
May 2023

There was a swallow feeding around the spruces on the bottom road on croft 2 Lower Milovaig at 8am, only my second of the spring.

A peregrine was hunting along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 6pm.


The otter with her two cubs were playing on the hillside at Milovaig at 1:30pm (Alison Stables).

White-Tailed Eagle - Neist
May 2023

There were three whimbrels on Neist Point in the morning and an adult white-tailed eagle flew low over the point at 1pm. A single manx shearwater went south.

White-Tailed Eagles - Lower Milovaig
May 2023

Two male white-tailed eagles were interacting by the boatshed, early evening.



Otter - Loch Pooltiel
April 2023

There was an otter fishing off the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, early evening. She was then seen again at 8pm playing with two cubs out on the water.


Whimbrel - Meanish
April 2023

At Meanish Pier, early evening, there was a single whimbrel, a white wagtail, a common sandpiper and a leucorhoa wheatear.

A peregrine stooped at something on the ground at Hamara Parks several times, mid afternoon.


There was a late report of another corncrake on the Glendale Estate on the 21st (Corrie Robertson).


There is still a single corncrake at an undisclosed location on the Husabost Estate (Shelagh Parlane, Andy Stables).


Basking Shark - Neist Point
April 2023

There was an early, large basking shark in Moonen Bay at mid-day.

Puffin - Neist Point
April 2023

There were 30+ puffins on the water off the tip of Neist Point in the morning, plus 16 purple sandpipers and a leucorhoa wheatear.


Five whimbrels flew north past Neist Point at mid-day.

The first two twite of the year were at Upper Milovaig, mid afternoon.


There were five linnets in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 7:15pm, the first returnees of the year.


There was a corncrake calling on the Husabost Estate (per Shelagh Parlane). If you hear or see one please contact Shelagh Parlane on 07771545409 ([email protected]).


There were 6+ common dolphins and a harbour porpoise behind Pooltiel Fish Farm at 6:30pm.

There was a house martin at Husabost in the morning and two swallows (Kevin & Alison Ashmore).


The first cuckoo was calling at Upper Fasach in the morning (Audrey Laing).

There was a magpie below the top road in Lower Milovaig, on croft 10, mid morning (Michael Ryding).


A minke whale surfaced once within 50m of Meanish Pier at 6:15pm.

White-Tailed Eagles - Upper Milovaig
April 2023

The first swallow of the spring was at Neist Point in the morning. There was a single bonxie back in territory at Neist Point. There was a peregrine hunting seabirds at Neist Point. A 3-hour seawatch produced: 1 sand martin north, 8 puffins north, 4 puffins on the water, 40+ manx shearwaters feeding around the point. Hundreds of mixed auks still migrating south but fewer than previous weeks. Two adult male white-tailed eagles were interacting at Upper Milovaig.


Still slow to arrive, there was a singing male willow warbler at Glendale Hall in the afternoon and another at the Boatshed, Lower Milovaig in the evening.


An otter brought a large fish onto the white beach at 4pm and started eating it at the shoreline.

There were four harbour porpoises far out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 6pm.

There are still a pair of red-breasted mergansers at Lower Milovaig, tonight west of Meanish. They have been on the patch for a few weeks. Two summer plumage great northern divers are still on outer Loch Pooltiel. These usually remain until early May.


There was a common sandpiper at the mouth of the Hamara at 6:30am (Lynden Schofield).


The first singing male chiffchaff of the year was at the Boatshed/MacDougall's Spruces in Lower Milovaig, late morning.


The first singing male willow warbler of the spring was back at Feriniquarrie (Lynden Schofield).


Canada Geese - Neist
April 2023

Five Canada geese were on the water at the mouth of the Hamara at 9:30am (Lynden Schofield). Probably the same birds came south past Neist Point lighthouse at 10:30am (Andy Stables).

There was another mass migration SOUTH off Neist Point in the morning: 5000+ auks (mix of razorbills and guillemots), 30+ gannets, 2 manx shearwaters.

A red kite was reported from Glasphein, heading towards Milovaig, at 5:15pm (Donald Shields).


There was an otter on the shore of Loch Pooltiel at Lower Milovaig, late afternoon (Steve Mason).

There was a distant harbour porpoise, south of Neist Point, at mid-day. Our first of the year.

2-hour seawatch at Neist:
5000+ auks (probably closer to 10K), mostly guillemots, heading SOUTH in groups of 50-100.
500+ kittiwakes heading NORTH in groups of around 20.
70 + 30 pink-footed geese north.
100+ common gulls north.
One white iceland gull south and a biscuity one north.


The first redpoll of the spring was back at Lephin in the morning.



There were a pair of Canada Geese on Loch Erghallan at Skinidin in the afternoon.


There were five wheatears back at Neist Point today (three males and two females).

31 whooper swans went north over Upper Milovaig in the afternoon. There were 55 skylarks on the top road in Upper Milovaig (two groups of 25 and 30) in the afternoom.


Wheatear - Milovaig
March 2023

The first wheatears of the spring, two males and a female, were back on the bottom road in Upper Milovaig in the morning.

Purple Sandpiper - Neist
March 2023

There were eight purple sandpipers at Neist Point, late morning.


Lesser Black-Back - Milovaig
March 2023

There were four lesser black-backed gulls, the first returnees of the spring, on the Upper Milovaig grazings, near the Waterstein Viewpoint at 1pm.


Golden Plover - Neist
March 2023

There was a single golden plover on Neist Point in the afternoon.


There was a single pied wagtail newly arrived at Neist Point in the afternoon.


The first pied wagtails of the spring were back today, with three together on the top road in Lower Milovaig and a group of four on the bottom road in Upper Milovaig.


There was a small pod of 6-8 common dolphins off Neist Point at mid-day that headed off towards Canna.

The fulmars and kittiwakes were back on the nesting ledges at Neist today for the first time this year. The waters around Neist were teeming with razorbills, guillemots and black guillemots. Three gannets came past heading north.


Orcas, JC & Aquarius, were photographed in Loch Dunvegan, off Dunvegan Head, at 10am.


There were six whooper swans on Loch Pooltiel opposite the white beach at 5:30pm.


There was an otter fishing between the two skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 3pm that slowly worked its way towards the white beach and still there at 3:30pm.


There were 30 skylarks at Sam's sheep feeders between Upper Milovaig and Loch Mor viewpoint, mid afternoon (Alison Stables).


A herd of 17 whooper swans flew below cliff height across Neist Point, between Stallion's Head and the steps, heading north at dusk.


A flock of 18 whooper swans came into Loch Mor at dusk (Angie Atherton) and still present the following day.


A flock of 16 whooper swans flew north over Milovaig at 2:30am.



Ravens were nest-building today at Neist Point and the first common guillemots were back on the nesting ledges, although still no fulmers back yet.


White-Tailed Eagle - Lower Milovaig
February 2023

White-Tailed Eagle - Lower Milovaig
February 2023

There were two adults and a juvenile white-tailed eagle circling over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig in the morning. A group of 24 ravens were displaying together at Druim nan Sgarbh on the Upper Milovaig grazings at mid-day.


Golden Eagle - Lower Milovaig
February 2023

There was a golden eagle circling over the bottom road at Lower Milovaig in the afternoon. It is very rare to see them in the townships.


The first skylarks of the spring returned today, with two at Neist Point car park. There was a razorbill and a few common guillemots on the water around Neist for the first time this year. No fulmars back yet. No cetaceans.


Tufted Ducks - Loch Mor
February 2023

There was a drake and 2 female tufted ducks on Loch Mor, with 2 lapwings, 10 curlews, 8 goldeneye and 12 little grebes, in the morning.

January 2023


There were two black-throated divers close to shore at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop, mid afternoon.


There was at least one bull orca NW of Pooltiel Fish Farm from 15:00 until at least 15:20 when mist rolled in. Probably JC or Aquarius or both.


There were nine cormorants on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at mid-day, an exceptionally high count. There were two males and a female goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid morning.

December 2022


Fieldfare - Neist Point
December 2022

There was a single fieldfare, 3 golden plovers, 1 snipe and 5 purple sandpipers at Neist. No seabirds, except a few shags and a few usual gulls, and no cetaceans.

A ringed (blue over white left) sub-adult white-tailed eagle flew north along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, early afternoon. Hence, not a bird from our Glendale pairs.


There were three males and a female goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig, late morning.


Otter - Lower Milovaig
December 2022

Otter - Lower Milovaig
December 2022

There was an otter eating a fish on the shore, west of Meanish, at 11am.


Herring Gull 'Argentatus' - Lower Milovaig
December 2022

There was a herring gull showing characteristics of race 'argentatus' on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 1:30pm.


There was a near adult white-tailed eagle over the brae at Fasach, late morning.

There were still 59 golden plovers at the head of Loch Dunvegan at 3pm.

At Orbost in the afternoon: a flock of 9 lapwings, a flock of 30+ chaffinches feeding in a field, a flock of 12 blackbirds, 2 great northern divers, a single mistle thrush.


There were two otters fishing at the head of Loch Dunvegan at 3:30pm.

There were two harbour porpoises off Neist Point at mid-day.

A few out-of-season birds at Neist Point today: a skylark at the car park and another skylark at the Lighthouse, two golden plovers on the tip that flew across Moonen Bay and a single meadow pipit out at the tip.

There were 120-150 golden plovers at the head of Loch Dunvegan at 3:15pm


There was an otter fishing that came ashore at the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 9:30am (Alison Stables).

There was a drake goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig from 11:30am until dusk.



Eight fieldfares flew north over Lephin at 8am. The first of the winter.

There was a woodcock at Hamara Lodge at 7:45am.


There was a minke whale, close in, on the Moonen Bay side of Neist at mid-day. There were four harbour porpoises in Moonen Bay.

Eiders - Neist Point
November 2022

Puffin - Neist Point
November 2022

At Neist Point today: 2 puffins, 16 eiders, 2 great northern divers, a gannet and 12 common guillemots.


A great northern diver flew into Loch Pooltiel, past Meanish, at mid-day. The first black guillemot returned to Loch Pooltiel today,


There were 2 adult and 3 juvenile whooper swans on the flood water at Hamara Parks at 1:30pm.


The first woodcock of the winter was circling over the garden at 1 Lower Milovaig at dawn.


Otter - Lower Milovaig
November 2022

There was an otter fishing off the shoreline north of the white beach, mid afternoon, that brought a fish ashore.


A brambling in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig flew off south-east at 8:30am.


There was a late twite on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig and a drake goosander off the white beach, mid afternoon.


There was a flock of 30 redwings on the top road in Upper Milovaig at mid-day. The male blackcap is still visiting the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig.


Blackcap - Lower Milovaig
November 2022

The male blackcap was again in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There was a male blackcap in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig in the morning. There were two adult and a juvenile whooper swans on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid morning. There were several redwings in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig. All of these sightings during bad weather today suggest a drop of Icelandic migrants.



There were two mistle thrushes with 12 redwings in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 10:50am that flew off together south. Mistle thrush is a very scarce winter visitor in Glendale.

White-Tailed Eagle - Meanish
October 2022

White-Tailed Eagle - Meanish
October 2022

Two juvenile white-tailed eagles flew very low, south, over Meanish at 4:30pm. There was a t least one whooper swan calling from the Pollosgan area, heard from Milovaig, at 4:30pm.


There were 12 harbour porpoises close in around Neist Point at mid-day. There was a small pod of six common dolphins off Neist Point at 11:30am.

There were 20 redwings at Hamara Lodge at 9am.

There was a late puffin off Neist Point at mid-day.


The first redwings of the autumn, a flock of 10, were at Borrodale School at 12:45pm.

A male merlin flew north along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, early afternoon.


A very late linnet flew west over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, late afternoon.


Three whooper swans flew south down the Minch off Lower Milovaig at mid-day.

Three whooper swans flew south down the Minch off Lower Milovaig at mid-day.



A flock of 30+ long-tailed tits passed south through the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 11am. These must be migrant birds.


There was a minke whale very close to shore at the tip of Neist Point, early afternoon, that drifted slowly south.


There were two otters off Colbost between 9am and 10am and then again between 1pm and 2pm (Tegan Jones).


There were two otters off Colbost between 10am and 11am (Tegan Jones).


A merlin flew south past Borrodale School at 7:15am.


A pod of c.12 common dolphins put on a good show at Neist Point mid afternoon.


There were three long-tailed tits at Lephin Cottage at 8:45am that flew across to the willow scrub by the Community Hall.


Two bonxies and three arctic skuas went south past Neist Point in a 2-hour seawatch. There was a female merlin hunting meadow pipits at Neist Car Park, late morning.


Common Dolphins - Milovaig
September 2022

A pod of 24+ common dolphins came into outer Loch Pooltiel just before 6pm and then two smaller groups split away and came into Loch Pooltiel.


There were a distant minke whale, 6+ common dolphins and 6+ harbour porpoises off Lower Milovaig at 7:30pm.


Common Dolphins - Milovaig
September 2022

A pod of 6+ common dolphins came into inner Loch Pooltiel in the evening.

There were 20+ pied wagtails (adult and juveniles) at Meanish, late evening.


Common Dolphin - Milovaig
September 2022

Common Dolphin - Milovaig
September 2022

A pod of 12+ common dolphins came into outer Loch Pooltiel, early afternoon.



There were two pods of 12+ common dolphins and 6-8 harbour porpoises off Neist Point between 7:30am and 10am (Ali Ashmore).

There were 12+ common dolphins off Meanish Pier at 7:15pm and 6 harbour porpoises near the big waterfall.


Orcas 'John Coe' and 'Aquarius' were off Neist Point and Moonen Bay from early morning until 12:40pm when they headed south (social media reports & photos).


There was a pod of around 12 common dolphins in Loch Pooltiel, early evening (Angela Dickinson, AS, N&K Medlar, et al).


White Wagtail - Ramasaig
August 2022

There were 60+ twite at Ramasaig Farm. Then at Ramasaig Bay: another 40+ twite, 40+ meadow pipits, 33 golden plovers, 10 pied/white wagtails and 100 rooks (all the aforementioned were in single flocks).


There was a minke whale, close in at the tip of Neist, in the afternoon.

Ringed Plover - Neist
August 2022

There was a ringed plover at Neist Point. A 3-hour seawatch produced: 3 arctic skuas south, 2 redshank south, 150+ kittiwakes south. There were two leucorhoa wheatears by the lighthouse.


Minke Whale - Neist
August 2022

Minke Whale - Neist
August 2022

A minke whale spent 5 hours around Neist Point in the afternoon giving some very close approaches. There were at least four pods of 12+ common dolphins around Neist Point in the afternoon, with one coming into Moonen Bay and another in the bay at the foot of the steps. There were at least 8 harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

There was a single turnstone at Neist Point and a distant arctic skua in the afternoon.


Orcas, JC and Aquarius, were reported off MacLeod's Maidens (per facebook, Steve Boucher).


There was a male whitethroat at MacDougall's Spruces & the Boatshed at 5:45pm.


There was a flock of 12 linnets on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 5:45pm. There has been an eclipse male eider around the skerries in Loch Pooltiel for the last few days.


There was a pod of 3 or 4 unidentified dolphins by Pooltiel Fish Farm at 6:40pm (Astrid van Eybergen).



There was a pod of 10+ common dolphins by the fish farm at 8:40am (Astrid van Eybergen).

Common Dolphin - Neist
July 2022

Common Dolphins - Neist
July 2022

There was a pod of c.20 common dolphins in Moonen Bay at mid-day that came close past Neist Point before heading across to Benbecula. There was a single minke whale off Neist Point in the afternoon that made a very close approach to shore. There were two harbour porpoises off Neist in the afternoon.

There was a flock of 12 redshank on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel and an eclipse male eider duck off the skerries in the evening.


There was a distant pod of 20+ common dolphins off Lower Milovaig, towards Harris at 7pm.

There was a minke whale in the mouth of Loch Pootiel and two pods of common dolphins in the loch between 8pm and 9pm (Astrid & Frank van Eybergen, Calum McGregor).

There was a juvenile linnet with a small group of 8 twites on the bottom road in Lower Milovaig in the evening.


There were 12+ common dolphins in Loch Pooltiel at 9am close to the white beach.

There was a pod of common dolphins in inner Loch Pooltiel at 9pm (Calum McGregor),


A minke whale went north past Neist Point in the evening and there were many common dolphins around the point (Andrew Ashcroft).


There were three pods, totalling 12+, common dolphins in Loch Dunvegan at 9:30am (Andrew Ashcroft).


There was a single Risso's dolphin, 3+  common dolphins and 2 harbour porpoises distant off Neist Point in the afternoon.

There was an adult peregrine with a newly-fledged juvenile being very vocal over croft 2 Lephin at 8:40am.

A 2.5 hour seawatch at Neist Point produced: 1 arctic skua south, 2 puffins north, 20 manxies north. Nesting ledges at Neist are all deserted now apart from the last few fulmars, kittiwakes and shags that still have young unfledged. Auks all gone from the nesting ledges.


There was a single lapwing below the top road in Lower Milovaig at mid-day.

A new house martin nest on the gable end of Carter's Rest was being visited by an adult today (Lynden Schofield).


At 5:30pm, there were 12+ distant common dolphins off Dunvegan Head, heading north, and a pod of 20+ common dolphins off Pooltiel Fish Farm that also headed north. There were also two harbour porpoises in Loch Pooltiel by the big waterfall.

There were two pods of common dolphins, 6 and 4+, in Loch Dunvegan off Husabost in the evening (Andy & Helen Ashcroft).

There was a male bullfinch at Husabost in the evening (Andy & Helen Ashcroft).


One of our resident pairs of white-tailed eagles in Glendale successfully fledged two chicks yesterday.


There were three pods of 6+ common dolphins, at least 18 in total, close-in around Neist Point between 6am and 8am (Andrew Przeslak).

Common Dolphin - Neist
July 2022

There were two distant pods, each of 20+, common dolphins off Neist Point at 2:30pm.

Purple Sandpiper - Neist
July 2022

There was an exceptionally early, summer-plumage purple sandpiper at Neist Point. There were four bonxies and two arctic skuas. One bonxie has been hanging around the point today and yesterday, with fresh droppings and a pellet at the roost site. The first shags and razorbills have fledged. Dozens of manx shearwaters heading south past the point in the afternoon and around a dozen puffins passing by. There was a peregrine at Neist.


A pod of 6+ common dolphins went south past Neist Point at 8pm (Andrew Przeslak).

A single bonxie and a two arctic skuas went south past Neist Point in the afternoon.


Intermedius Lesser Black-Back
July 2022

There was a lesser black-backed gull of the race 'intermedius', from southern Scandinavia, on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 6:20pm.


A minke whale surfaced once very close to shore at the tip of Neist in the afternoon. There was a single harbour porpoise off Neist.

A four-hour seawatch at Neist produced: only one skua, a very distant arctic south, a flock of 73 manx shearwaters south, 23 puffins in total south, 1 curlew south.


An otter ran from MacDougall's Spruces, through the grounds of the Boatshed and up the hill at around 10:30pm (Angela Dickinson).



Harbour Porpoise - Neist
June 2022

There were at least 10 harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

Arctic Skua - Neist
June 2022

There were 200 manx shearwaters in outer Moonen Bay in the afternoon.

A 5-hour seawatch at Neist Point produced: 20 puffins south, 1 bonxie north, 11 arctic skuas south and 2 greylag geese north.


A single Risso's dolphin went south past Neist, mid afternoon, very close to shore. There was a single harbour porpoise off Neist in the afternoon.

A three-hour seawatch at Neist in the afternoon produced: 3 common scoters south, 3 arctic skuas, a single bonxie on the water eating a dead bird, 3 puffins south, 1 manx shearwater south.


There was a flock of 20+ long-tailed tits in the garden at Lephin Cottage at 7:30am.


A minke whale surfaced just once within 5 metres of the shore at the tip of Neist Point at mid-day.

A two-hour seawatch at Neist Point produced 1 arctic skua south and 3 puffins south.

There was a singing male blackcap and a singing male whitethroat at Fasach (Tim & Dawn Wright).


There were three bonxies over Loch Dunvegan off Colbost (Tim & Dawn Wright).


A distant minke whale and 20+ common dolphins headed south down the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 5:30pm.


Just a single harbour porpoise seen in a 4.5 hour seawatch at Neist today.

A great northern diver in full summer plumage flew south past Neist Point in the afternoon. Three puffins went south past Neist in the afternoon. There were three arctic skuas around Neist Point all day and a single bonxie went north, late afternoon.


There were six bottlenose dolphins in Loch Pooltiel in the evening (Nigel & Karen Medlar).


There was a Risso's dolphin in outer Loch Pooltiel off Meanish at 5:30pm.

Cuckoo - Meanish
June 2022

There was a cuckoo on the slope down to the pier at 5:30pm being mobbed by meadow pipits.



There were two adult long-tailed tits with at least 8 young on croft 2 Lephin, beside the polytunnel, at 5pm.


There were three ringed plovers on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 5:15pm.


There was a distant minke whale off Neist Point towards North Uist in the afternoon. There were two harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

A 4-hour seawatch at Neist Point produced: 2 whimbrel north, 9 arctic skuas, 1 bonxie north, 3 dunlin, 2 ringed plovers. 7 swallows and 3 sand martins went off Neist and over the sea towards South Uist.


There was a singing male whinchat on croft 2 Lephin, opposite Café Lephin at 7:45am that flew into the estate birch scrub opposite Hamara Parks.


Arctic Terns - Neist
May 2022

Two arctic terns flew north at Neist Point at 2:30pm. There were four arctic skuas out in the Minch off Neist but no bonxies seen again.

There was a singing male sedge warbler in willow scrub by the Community Hall, early morning.


The first house martin of the year flew south along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, late afternoon. Swallows are only just back in all usual territories today.


An adult white-tailed eagle was seen carrying a large fish.


There was a small pod of common dolphins off Colbost jetty between 6pm and 7pm (David Baterip).


Harbour Porpoise - Neist
May 2022

Risso's Dolphin - Neist
May 2022

There were 6+ harbour porpoises at and around Neist Point all day. A distant Risso's dolphin went North up the Minch past Neist at 1pm.

Brent Geese - Neist
May 2022

Three brent geese flew north past Neist Point at mid-day. In a five-hour seawatch, 14 arctic skuas went past Neist Point (10 south and 4 north). There were no bonxies seen and the pair were absent from the point.


The first common dolphins of the year, a pod of 6 to 8, were off Pooltiel Fish Farm at 8pm before heading towards Harris.


There was a minke whale off Neist Point on the Oisgill side at 3:30pm.

Whimbrel - Neist Point
May 2022

Whimbrels - Neist Point
May 2022

There were five whimbrels on the rocks at the tip of Neist Point, early afternoon. The first arctic skua of the year was off Neist Point.



A pod of 7 white-beaked dolphins was videoed off the Lower Milovaig grazings near Oisgill Bay at 12:05am heading towards Neist (Angie Atherton). This is the first ever confirmed record of this species in Glendale waters.

The first house sparrow fledgling was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at mid-day. This is extremely early, as the first wasn't until May 19th last year.


The first cuckoo of the spring was calling at Lephin today.


Orcas 'John Coe' and 'Aquarius' were off Neist Point from 3pm until 3:50pm (Alan Rigell).


Otter - Lower Milovaig
April 2022

There was an otter on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel from 6pm onwards.

The first two common sandpipers were back on the white beach at Lower Milovaig today.


Whimbrels - Neist Point
April 2022

Puffin - Neist Point
April 2022

A group of 7 whimbrels went north at Neist Point in the afternoon. There have been four to six puffins close in at the tip of Neist for the last week. There are 8 purple sandpipers still at Neist. There were two twites back at Neist Point today.


A pair of greenshanks were mating at Loch Eishort, Ramasaig in the afternoon. There was a juvenile white-tailed eagle at Ramasaig in the afternoon. There were eight great northern divers in Ramasaig Bay. The first nine twites of the spring were at Ramasaig.


There were three harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

Manx Shearwater - Neist
April 2022

There were three puffins feeding close in at Neist Point in the afternoon. There was a great northern diver and a red-throated diver at Neist in the afternoon. There was a pair of bonxies on Neist Point. There were large numbers of manx shearwaters off-shore at Neist.


A peregrine flew from Borrodale towards Lephin at 6pm.


Minke Whale - Neist
April 2022

There was a minke whale and a harbour porpoise off North Uist as viewed from Neist Point in the evening.

The first two swallows of the spring were at Glendale Cemetery in the afternoon (Alison Stables).

There was a swallow at Neist Point Lighthouse at 5:30pm. There were 150 manx shearwaters surface-feeding in outer Moonen Bay in the evening.


Minke Whale - Neist
April 2022

There was a minke whale on the Moonen Bay side of Neist Point, in the small bay by the Stallion's Head at 2:15pm.

Bonxie - Neist Point
April 2022

There was a single bonxie back in territory at Neist Point in the afternoon. 30 manx shearwaters went south past Neist in a 1 hour seawatch in the afternoon.


The first blackcap of the spring, a male, was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 4:40pm. The first willow warbler was singing behind the boatshed at Lower Milovaig at 5:30pm.


The first chiffchaff of the spring was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 11am.


There was a single puffin in outer Loch Pooltiel between the pier and big waterfall at 4:30pm.


Puffin - Neist Point
April 2022

Puffin - Neist Point
April 2022

The first puffin of the year was back at Neist Point today, giving very close views. There was a big movement of pink-footed geese north at Neist Point with skeins of 150 + 150 + 40 + 50 north in a 2.5 hour seawatch.


The first two bonxies of the year went north off Neist Point at mid-day. There were 10 redwings by the fank at 1 Waterstein, early afternoon. Redwings have been very scarce in Glendale this winter.


Golden Eagles - Milovaig
April 2022

Golden Eagles - Milovaig
April 2022

There were four golden eagles and two white-tailed eagles circling together over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 1pm, with the goldies making lunges at each other.



Linnet - Milovaig
March 2022

A singing male linnet, first of the spring, was back in territory near Meanish in the evening.


The first minke whale of the year was off Rum as viewed from Neist Point. The first common dolphins of the year, a pod of 10, were south of Barra as viewed from Neist. There were four harbour porpoises off Neist, only the second time this year that we have seen them.


A grey wagtail flew across the path, below the steps at Neist Point, and down to the shore on the Moonen side at 4pm.


Magpie - Lower Milovaig
March 2022
Picture by Michael Ryding

A magpie flew west over the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 7:45am (AS) and was photographed in the garden at Puffin Cottage at 8:05am (Michael & Sheila Ryding).

The first two lesser redpolls of the spring were back at Lephin, early morning.

Fulmars were back on the ledges today at Neist Point for first time this year. Yesterday just a single distant fulmar off-shore and today the ledges are rammed with them. Also, guillemots back on the ledges today for the first time this year. There were 30+ skylarks in small groups between the car park and the tip of Neist Point.

Vast numbers of mostly razorbills and fewer guillemots have been streaming south past Neist today and yesterday.


The first razorbills and kittwakes were back on the nesting ledges at Neist Point today. The shags have been busy nest building for a few weeks. No fulmars back on the ledges yet and only a single seen off-shore. There were hundreds of razorbills and guillemots streaming south past Neist throughout the day. There were four wheatears at Neist Point below the steps.


White-Tailed Eagle - Neist Point
March 2022

The juvenile white-tailed eagle, ringed black left, was again low over Neist Point at 1:40pm. There were six purple sandpipers, a redshank and a curlew at Neist Point.


There were two juvenile white-tailed eagles hanging around the fish farm, pier and skerries all day. There was a pair of red-breasted mergansers off the seaward end of the Milovaig loop early evening. There were two redshanks by the rock pools at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop in the evening. The first three returning siskins of the spring flew south below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig, late evening.


Orcas 'John Coe' and 'Aquarius' were at Neist Point from 3:30pm until 4pm before heading south (Nick Owen & Charlotte Rutherford).


White-Tailed Eagle - Neist Point
March 2022

There were two male wheatears at Waterstein viewpoint and another at Neist Point. A juvenile white-tailed eagle at Neist Point in the morning was carrying a ball of mud. It was colour-ringed black left, C something 3.


There was a partially-moulted great northern diver in outer Loch Pooltiel, late afternoon.


Still scarce at the moment, there was a male wheatear at Meanish at 5:30pm.


Wheatear - Milovaig
March 2022

Another wheatear, a male, turned up below the bottom road on 1 Upper Milovaig this morning. A total of 12 meadow pipits in ones and twos passed from the sea, heading inland, through Milovaig in the morning.


Wheatear - Milovaig
March 2022

The first wheatear was back on the white beach initially and later below the bottom road on croft 3 Lower Milovaig.


White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
March 2022

The local adult male white-tailed eagle was on the shoreline near Meanish at 5:40pm feeding by a rock pool. There was a juvenile Iceland gull on the skerries at 5:30pm.


The first meadow pipit of the spring was on the top road in Upper Milovaig.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 11:45am that came ashore around the Pollasgan corner.

There were six harbour porpoises off Neist Point for the first time this year.

There were two harbour porpoises by Pooltiel Fish Farm in the afternoon.

There was a pied wagtail and a lesser black-backed gull on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day. The juvenile glaucous gull was at Pooltiel Fish Farm at mid-day. House sparrows were mating today, after nest-building all week at 2 Lower Milovaig. The first woodpigeon of the spring was at Hamara Lodge, early morning.

There was a pipistrelle bat flying around the gardens at 1 and 2 Lower Milovaig at 5pm in full daylight.


Two golden plovers flew north over the white beach at 4pm. The juvenile glaucous gull was on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 5:15pm.

There was a pied wagtail feeding amongst seaweed on Orbost beach and a treecreeper singing at Orbost House (Lynden Schofield).


There was a pair of bullfinches in the kitchen garden at the Three Chimneys at 8am.

There was a peacock butterfly on the wing at the very tip of Neist Point.



At 6:30pm an otter ran across the grass from Upper Milovaig down to the white beach, across the beach and into the water at the mouth of the burn.

There were five whooper swans at the mouth of the river Hamara at 10am (Lynden Schofield). They were still swimming on Loch Pooltiel off Pollosgan at 5:30pm and heard calling throughout the night after midnight.

There were 7 whooper swans on Loch Mor, early afternoon. A flock of 10 skylarks at Neist Car Park were scattered by a merlin. There was an adult white-tailed eagle over Neist Car Park.

Four long-tailed tits flew from Hamara Lodge to Roy & Carol Gasken's garden at Hamaraverin mid afternoon.

There was a 3CY glaucous gull and the first lesser black-backed gull of the spring on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 5pm.


There were two whooper swans on the Hamara river at Ferinquarrie at 11am.

There were 20 wigeon in the brae by Kinlock Campsite, Dunvegan at 11:30am.

There were 10 skylarks, freshly arrived, above the bottom road on croft 5 Lower Milovaig at 2:30pm. The drake goosander was off the white beach at Upper Milovaig, mid afternoon. A juvenile Iceland gull was roosting on the white beach all morning.


Mink - Meanish
February 2022

A mink was photographed at Meanish (Mark Collins).


The first skylarks were back, with one at Neist car park and another out on the tip of Neist Point. Golden plover was heard out on the tip of the point but could not be located.

The drake goosander was off the white beach at 10:30am and one juvenile Iceland gull was around the skerries and white beach at Loch Pooltiel all day.

There were 110 seals, mostly harbour seals, hauled out at Loch Pooltiel in the afternoon.


There were two juvenile Iceland gulls roosting on the skerries at 5:15pm.


Three Iceland Gulls - Milovaig
February 2022

There were two juvenile Iceland gulls and a 3CY glaucous gull on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 5:30pm that flew off towards the fish farm.


Iceland Gull - Milovaig
February 2022

The juvenile Iceland gull was on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 8am and then around the pier, skerries and white beach most of the afternoon.

White-Tailed Eagles - Milovaig
February 2022

There were four white-tailed eagles circling together at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop, mid afternoon. Two were the local pair and the other two were near-adult with brown terminal band on tail.


There was an otter fishing in the mouth of the burn at the white beach, Lower Milovaig at 4pm.

There was a very pale juvenile Iceland gull circling around the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 4pm.


A group of 12 long-tailed tits have been visiting feeders daily at Fasach for the last week (Mairi Fawkes, per


Goosander - Meanish
February 2022

There was a drake goosander feeding in the shallows at Meanish at mid-day.


Little Egret - Loch Pooltiel
February 2022

A little egret was found in a ditch beside the bridge over the Hamara at Feriniquarrie by Lynden Schofield at 10:40am. It moved briefly to the black beach before heading north across Loch Pooltiel at 10:50am and was not subsequently located. This is the first ever winter record of little egret on Skye.

January 2022


A female hen harrier flew north below the bottom road through Lower Milovaig at 11:35am.


A brown hare ran across the road by the Ramasaig junction at Borrodale at 5:30pm.


There was a great northern diver in Moonen Bay, close to Neist, at mid-day.


There was an otter fishing off the eastern end of the white beach at Lower Milovaig in the afternoon that came ashore around the Pollosgan side.


There was a 2nd winter Iceland gull on the white beach at Lower Milovaig, mid afternoon.


There were 19 black-headed gulls roosting on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 3:30pm, a record number.

December 2021


There was an otter fishing between the skerries and the white beach from mid-day until 12:40pm when it came ashore onto the white beach.


Otter - Neist Point
December 2021

There was an otter fishing off the very tip of Neist Point at mid-day.

Six long-tailed tits flew over Lephin Cottage towards Café Lephin at mid-day.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 1:30pm.

There were 12 black-headed gulls on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, early afternoon.


There was a drake goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There was a 2nd winter Iceland gull on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 11:30am.


There was an otter fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 2pm.


Little Auk - Meanish
December 2021

Little Auk - Meanish
December 2021

Little Auk - Meanish
December 2021

Little Auk - Meanish
December 2021

Little Auk - Meanish
December 2021

A little auk, blown inland during last night's big storm, was left in a shoe-box in the porch at 2 Lower Milovaig today by the Skye Express delivery driver, who found it in the road by Petri's house at Feriniquarrie. It was safely released at Meanish Pier and was last seen diving off the skerries.


There was a barn owl beside the road by Hillstone Lodge, Colbost, at 7:40am.

There was a woodcock circling over the road and estate woodland at Hamara Parks at 8am.


There were distant 6-8 Risso's dolphins, 20 common dolphins and 7 harbour porpoises off Neist Point between 11am and 3pm.

There was a late bonxie off Neist Point harrassing gulls, there was a single puffin, 10 purple sandpipers and 24 turnstones at Neist Point.



There was a pod of c. 12 common dolphins in Loch Dunvegan off Colbost at 11am.


There was a very late swallow whizzing around the house & garden at 2 Lower Milovaig from 11am until at least 2:30pm.

There was a very late, single puffin on the water off Neist Point at mid-day.


There was a late male pied wagtail at Meanish Pier in the afternoon.


Orcas, 'John Coe' and 'Aquarius, were photographed off Neist Point at 4pm (Marcus McAdam, Sarah Sia, et al).


There was a female hen harrier on the rough moor south of Uiginish (Michael Ryding).



There was a group of 8 redwings at Lephin at 8:30am.


The first redwings reached Glendale today, with 1 at Lower Milovaig and 8 at Colbost.


A constant stream of red admiral butterflies were coming over the sea from the Uists and into Neist Point, with at least 200 during a 4 -hour seawatch.


A flock of 18 barnacle geese flew south over Lower Milovaig in the afternoon.


The barn owl was flying beside the road over Hamara Parks at 7am.


There was a barn owl beside the road at Hamara Parks at 7:30pm.


There was a harbour porpoise off Neist Point from 11am until 1am.

There was a small pod of common dolphins breaching and splashing off North Uist as viewed from Lower Milovaig, early evening.

Pink-Footed Geese - Milovaig
October 2021

A flock of 65 pink-footed geese flew SE over Lower Milovaig at 5:30pm. There was a pair of red-breasted mergansers off the white beach at Lower Milovaig, early evening.

60 pink-footed geese went south over Waterstein Head at 6:15pm.



There were two grey wagtails in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig all day. There was a late swallow on the top road in Upper Milovaig.


Common Dolphins - Meanish
September 2021

A pod of c.20 common dolphins were feeding around Meanish in the evening.


Common Dolphin - Milovaig
September 2021

Common Dolphins - Milovaig
September 2021

A pod of c.12 common dolphins came into Loch Pooltiel from 7pm until 7:15pm.


There were c.6 common dolphins at Pooltiel Fish Farm at 6:45pm.

There were four black-headed gulls on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 6:30pm that flew off north out to sea later.


There was a small pod c. 10 common dolphins heading south past Pooltiel Fish Farm at 7pm.


Calendar 2022
August 2021

Calendar 2022
August 2021

My 2022 Glendale Calendar is now on sale at £11.95 each plus P&P.

If you would like one please send me your email address so that I can issue you a paypal invoice. Let me know if you will collect or need it posted.

If you wish to collect, you can get it from me in Glendale. They are also on sale at Glendale Craft Fair on Tuesdays. I only have a limited number of copies, so don't delay.

The calendar is A4 folding out to A3.

*** SOLD OUT ***

A pod of 20+ common dolphins went past Pooltiel Fish Farm at 7pm and headed over towards Harris.


There were 20+ common dolphins in outer Loch Pooltiel, late evening.


There was an early whooper swan on Loch Mor at 6pm.



A turnstone with four dunlins flew north past Neist Point heading towards North Uist in the morning.


Three harbour porpoises, including male 'Nick', were close in at Neist Point at mid-day. Nick was last seen at Neist on June 19th.


The two orcas, JC and Aquarius, were in Moonen Bay at 4:45pm (Tony Williams).

The orcas were then seen again at 7pm off the seaward end of the Milovaig loop (per Wood House guests).


The knot was still on the shore near Meanish most of the day (Andy Iceton).


Knot - Lower Milovaig
August 2021

There was a single knot roosting by the rock pools at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at dusk, the first known record of this species at Loch Pooltiel.

There was an influx of 30+ mixed wagtails at Meanish including 9 whites, 21 pied and 5 greys, late evening.


Orcas, John Coe and Aquarius, were videoed off MacLeod's Maidens in the afternoon and then were off Dunvegan Head from 8:30pm until 9pm (Neal Farnaby, A&A Stables).


There were two distant pods of 8+ and 20 common dolphins and a single, distant minke whale off Neist Point in the afternoon.


Risso's Dolphin - Neist
August 2021

Risso's Dolphin - Neist
August 2021

A pod of five Risso's dolphins spent from 3:20pm until 4pm very close in at Neist Point giving amazing views. There were also a distant minke whale, 8 distant common dolphins and c.12 harbour porpoises.

There was a pod of c.20 common dolphins in outer Loch Pooltiel in the evening (Nigel Medlar).


Orcas, JC and Aquarius, went north past Neist Point at 3:30pm (Neal Farnaby).

Four Risso's dolphins went north across Oisgill Bay at 2pm (Shelagh Parlane).


There were two pods of c.10 common dolphins that went north past Neist Point in the afternoon.


There were a very vocal adult and juvenile peregrine at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at 2pm. There was a redshank on the shore near Meanish.


White-Tailed Eagle Fledgling - Milovaig
August 2021

A newly-fledged, juvenile white-tailed eagle from the local pair was perched at Milovaig all afternoon, with one adult briefly in attendance.


Minke Whale - Neist
August 2021

Common Dolphins - Neist
August 2021

There were a minke whale, 20+ common dolphins and 4 harbour porpoises off Neist Point between 12pm and 4pm.


There were four harbour porpoises out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 7pm.


An adult white-tailed eagle flew south along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 8:30am.

White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
August 2021

Our local male white-tailed eagle did a low loop over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 8:10pm.


There was a lapwing on the shoreline, west of Meanish, at 8pm.


There were two distant minke whales off Neist Point, six harbour porpoises and lots of distant common dolphins.

Twite - Neist Point
August 2021

There were two turnstones back at Neist Point today. Just one bonxie and two arctic skuas were off Neist. There was a flock of 20+ twite at Neist.


There was a minke whale off Neist Point in the morning.

There were four harbour porpoises and eight common dolphins out in the Minch off Lower Milovaig at 6pm.

A small pod of around 8 common dolphins came into Loch Pooltiel as far as the moorings at 7:30pm (Susan MacLeod).

There were four newly fledged linnets at Meanish in the evening. There were four recently fledged redpolls with the adults at the Boatshed, Lower Milovaig.



A bonxie flew north along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 7:15pm and onwards out to sea. There was an eider on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel in the evening.


A small pod of common dolphins came into Loch Pooltiel as far as the black beach from 5:50pm until 6:40pm (Angela Dickinson).


An otter was fishing off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 10:20pm.

Common Dolphin - Milovaig
July 2021

A pod of c.10 common dolphins were in Loch Pooltiel again tonight for about an hour.


Common Dolphin - Milovaig
July 2021

There was a pod of 12+ common dolphins in Loch Pooltiel from 6pm until 6:30pm.


There was an adult peregrine falcon with a calling/begging, recently-fledged juvenile over croft 2 Lephin at 6pm.

There were two spotted flycatchers on the driveway at Hamara Lodge, probable breeders (Hugh Bradshaw).


There was a distant basking shark between Canna and Barra as viewed from Neist Point in the afternoon. There were at least six distant minke whales off Neist. There was a distant, small pod of common dolphins off Neist briefly. At least 12 harbour porpoises around the point, with four coming close in.

There were five black-headed gulls on the white beach at Lower Milovaig in the evening.


Otter - Lower Milovaig
July 2021

There was an otter fishing the shoreline near Meanish at mid-day that caught and ate a lobster.

There was a ringed plover on the white beach at Lower Milovaig in the evening.

There was a summer plumage dunlin at the mouth of the Hamara (Hugh Bradshaw).


The grasshopper warbler is still reeling in the Estate Woodland opposite Hamara Parks every night at around 10:30pm.


There was a single harbour porpoise behind Pooltiel Fish Farm at 7:45pm.

There was a male bullfinch in a garden beside the B884 at Colbost at 7:45am.


There was a juvenile great northern diver at Neist Point in the afternoon.


Whimbrel - Neist Point
July 2021

A whimbrel flew north at Neist Point in the afternoon. The skuas have gone. This was the first day since April when we haven't seen both bonxies and arctic skuas at the point. Only one distant bonxie was seen heading south. There were 10 puffins around the point.

Common Dolphin - Neist
July 2021

There were 40+ common dolphins around Neist Point in the afternoon and 20 harbour porpoises, making very close approaches.


There was a singing male sedge warbler above the Holmisdale road on croft 3 Lephin at 7am.


There was a flock of 14 redshank on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 8pm.


There is still a singing male grasshopper warbler in the Estate Woodland opposite Hamara Parks between 10:30pm and 11pm each night.


Minke Whale - Neist
July 2021

There were four minke whales around Neist Point, one making a very close approach in the afternoon.

There were 400+ manx shearwaters surfacing feeding around Neist Point and 40+ puffins flew south past the point during a five hour seawatch.



There was a long-eared owl fledgling calling in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 2am.

There was a long-eared owl fledgling calling in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig again at 11:30pm and an adult was seen in the twilight.


Risso's Dolphins - Neist
June 2021

Risso's Dolphins - Neist
June 2021

A pod of nine Risso's dolphins went south down the Minch past Neist Point, early afternoon.

Peregrine - Neist
June 2021

A juvenile peregrine falcon flew across Neist in the afternoon.


Harbour Porpoise - Neist
June 2021

There were at least a dozen harbour porpoises out in the Minch off Neist today, with a few approaching very close.

Puffins - Neist
June 2021

There were at least 8 puffins on the water at Neist today.

The singing male grasshopper warbler in the Estate woodland opposite Hamara Parks is still reeling every night at around 11:15pm.


Dark Green Fritillary - Milovaig
June 2021

There were two dark green fritillaries on the wing by the Boatshed at Lower Milovaig in the evening.


Harbour Porpoise - Neist
June 2021

There were 12 harbour porpoises off Neist all afternoon, approaching very close to shore. One called 'Nick' has a very distinctive notch in his dorsal fin. There were six common dolphins breaching and splashing close to shore at 10:15pm.

Arctic Skua - Neist
June 2021

There was just one arctic skua at Neist today plus the summering non-breeding pair of bonxies.

There were several smooth newts basking in rock pools at Neist Point today.


Two house martins were feeding amongst MacDougall's Spruces at Lower Milovaig for a short while in the evening before heading west along the coast.


There was a singing male grasshopper warbler in the Estate woodland opposite Hamara Parks at 11:15pm.


A minke whale surfaced once close in at Neist Point, early afternoon.


There was a house martin on the bottom road in Upper Milovaig in the evening.



Ringed Plover - Ramasaig
May 2021

There was a ringed plover in territory at Ramasaig at mid-day.

There was a turtle dove briefly in a garden at Galtrigill in the afternoon (Susanna Robson).


The first baby house sparrows were fledged today in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig, eleven days later than last year.

Roe Deer - Milovaig
May 2021

A roe deer buck and hind were in MacDougall's Spruces and the Boatshed garden at Lower Milovaig at 7:45pm.


There were two distant minke whales between Canna and Barra, as viewed from Neist Point, in the morning.

Humpack Whale - from Neist
May 2021

A distant humpback whale was blowing off Canna, as viewed from Neist Point at mid-day. The first known record of this species being viewed from Glendale.

Great Northern Diver - Neist
May 2021

There was a late great northern diver at Neist Point.


There were at least three harbour porpoises off Neist Point in the afternoon.

There was a single golden plover and nine purple sandpipers at Neist Point. There were three arctic skuas and three bonxies around Neist Point. Two arctic terns flew north past Neist Point.


Orcas 'John Coe' and 'Aquarius' were photographed off Waternish Point at 8:35pm heading towards Neist Point.


There was a singing male sedge warbler in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 7am. There was a female blackcap in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8:45pm.


There were three ringed plovers at Meanish that went off north over the sea towards Harris at 5:30pm. The stonechats were carrying food and showing agitated behaviour at Lower Milovaig for the first time this year.


There was a whimbrel roosting at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop after being flushed from Meanish at 7:30pm.


There were two distant harbour porpoises and a distant 20+ common dolphins off Neist Point, late morning.

There was swallow visible migration at Neist this morning. Birds were coming in at the tip, having a feed and then heading out over the sea towards South Uist in groups of 2-4. Others flying north far out over the sea. 30+ birds in 1.5 hours.

There was a singing male sedge warbler between the roads on croft 3 Lephin in the morning and a singing male grasshopper warbler in the same place at 10:20pm.


Canada Geese - Milovaig
May 2021

Two Canada Geese flew north over Lower Milovaig and out over the sea towards Harris at 2:30pm. This is the first known record of this species in Glendale (A&AS). Also, seen earlier heading west over Loch Pooltiel, early afternoon (Donald Shields).


There were c.12 linnets in a garden at Glasphein (Donald Shields).


There were three juvenile white-tailed eagles circling over the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 5:20pm.


A long-eared owl was photographed in a holiday cottage garden at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop at dusk (Mark Sellwood). This is the first ever confirmed sighting of this species in Glendale.


There was an otter in the garden and under the decking at 8 Upper Milovaig, early morning (Angie Atherton).


Harbour Porpoise - Neist
May 2021

Minke Whale - Neist
May 2021

The first minke whale of the year, 60+ common dolphins and 8 harbour porpoises were off Neist Point this afternoon.

Four arctic terns and five whimbrels went north at Neist Point in the afternoon. There were five arctic skuas off shore and four bonxies. There were two purple sandpipers and nine turnstones on the point.


Common Dolphins - Neist
May 2021

At least 60 common dolphins came past Neist during the morning in small pods, heading north.

There was a common crane at Loch Suardal (per

A common crane was photographed at Loch Suardal (per



There were four arctic skuas, four bonxies and 18 manx shearwaters off Neist Point in the morning. There is still a whooper swan on Loch Mor. A bonxie was seen eating a kittiwake.

Another wave of wheatears is passing through today, with five leucorhoa types at Lower Milovaig.


A cuckoo was calling at Lephin in the afternoon (Sandra Powell, Alison Stables).

Six whimbrels went north past Neist Point in the afteroon.

Hoopoe - Fiskavaig
April 2021

NOT GLENDALE. This fantastic hoopoe was at nearby Fiskavaig today.


There were four whimbrels on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, early afternoon.


Otter & Cub - Milovaig
April 2021

There was a female otter with a small cub sleeping on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 7pm.

There was a small pod of common dolphins far out off Neist Point between Canna and Barra in the morning.

Whimbrel - Neist Point
April 2021

There were four whimbrels on the tip of Neist Point all morning.  The first two dark phase arctic skuas of the spring went north up the Minch off Neist.

A cuckoo flew below the bottom road in Lower Milovaig at 7pm, heading towards Upper Milovaig.


There were three harbour porpoises out in the Minch off Neist in the morning.

Iceland Gull - Neist Point
April 2021

There was a juvenile Iceland Gull at Neist Point. A total of nine whimbrels went north over Neist Point. The first two swallows of the year were feeding around the lighthouse. The first two twite of the year were at the foot of the steps at Neist.

There was a swallow at Borrodale School at 5pm.

The first cuckoo of the spring was by the Hamara at the top end of Holmisdale (Kathy Lindsley).


The first siskin, linnet and redpoll were back at Lower Milovaig today.


Bonxie - Neist
April 2021

Whimbrels - Neist
April 2021

7 whimbrels went north over Neist Point in the afternoon and another 2 whimbrels went south far out over the sea. Hundreds of razorbills and guillemots, plus gannets and common gulls were heading south at Neist. The pair of bonxies are still on their patch. There was a single whooper swan on Loch mor.

Blackcap - Lower Milovaig
April 2021

There was a singing male blackcap in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig. The first common sandpiper of the spring was calling near Meanish at 8:30pm.


There were three harbour porpoises surfacing across the mouth of Loch Pooltiel at 8:15pm.

There was a singing male willow warbler at the Boatshed, Lower Milovaig at 8pm for the first time this year.


Whimbrel - Neist Point
April 2021

Puffin - Neist Point
April 2021

Light passage of whimbrels today at Neist Point, with two singles and a group of four heading north up the Minch and a group of 3 landed by the lighthouse. There was a single puffin feeding close in at Neist Point.


A pair of magpies were visiting a bird table at Upper Colbost (per


Bonxie - Neist Point
April 2021

A pair of bonxies were back on their patch at Neist Point today. There was a small group of waders at Neist including 10 turnstones and 1 purple sandpiper.


There were three willow warblers singing at Lephin, for the first time this spring, at 7:30am.

There were two greenshanks on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at 5pm.


Otter - Lower Milovaig
April 2021

The otter was fishing off the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, late evening.

The first sand martin of the spring was flying around the house/garden at 2 Lower Milovaig at 8:30am.

There was a tawny owl hooting at Lower Milovaig at 11:10pm.


There was an otter fishing off Meanish at 8pm.

White-Tailed Eagle - Neist
April 2021

Puffins - Neist
April 2021

Hundreds of puffins were heading north at Neist in groups of c. 25 every few minutes. Guillemots and razorbills were heading south in groups of c.50-100, five or six groups at a time spread across the Minch, every few minutes.

Two groups of 14 and 24 whooper swans went north at Neist. There are still 3 whoopers on Loch Mor. There was a single bonxie at Neist. A juvenile white-tailed eagle caused a commotion in the fulmar colony. There were two pairs of eiders in Moonen Bay.

The fulmars are back on the ledges after arriving on February 27th and then disappearing again the next day.

The first willow warbler of the spring was in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig.


There was a flock of 23 linnets in a ploughed field by Orbost House, early afternoon. There was an adult white-tailed eagle over Orbost forest at mid-day. There were two ringed plovers on the beach at Bharcasaig Bay.

A peacock butterfly was seen near Meanish, the first of the year (Kathy Lindsley).

A peacock butterfly was on the path from Orbost to Bharcasaig Bay, early afternoon.


Porpoise - Neist
April 2021

There were at least 12 harbour porpoises far out in the Minch off Neist, with a couple close to shore.

Peregrine - Neist
April 2021

Two bonxies went north past Neist in the morning. A skein of 90 pink-footed geese flew north over Waterstein Head and a 100 went north over Milovaig in the afternoon. There were three whooper swans on Loch Mor. A handful of kittiwakes were back on the ledges but no fulmars and just a few guillemots and razorbills. There was a peregrine falcon perched on a rock at Neist Point.


Nominate & Greenland Wheatear - Milovaig
April 2021

Greenland Wheatear - Milovaig
April 2021

Nominate Wheatear - Milovaig
April 2021

There were 12 Greenland race, leucorhoa, wheatears and 9 nominate race birds around the Milovaig loop. Notice the striking difference in size and colour between the two males in the same photo and the two females pictured.


There were 14 wheatears around the Milovaig loop (Alison Stables).


The first wheatears, two males, were back below the bottom road in Upper Milovaig at 7:45am.



Two juvenile white-tailed eagles flew east over the top road in Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There were two adult white-tailed eagles circling and yelping over Neist Car Park, late morning. There were two lesser black-backed gulls at the sheep fank between Upper Milovaig and Waterstein, late morning.


An otter came ashore between the white beach and Meanish at Lower Milovaig at 5:45pm.

Meadow pipits are starting to return, with 22 on the bottom road at Lower Milovaig, early evening.


12 whooper swans flew West over Meanish, late morning (Alison Stables).


17 whooper swans flew north up the Minch off Neist Point, late morning.


There have been exactly 82 mixed grey and harbour seals on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel every afternoon for the last three days.


A pair of peregrines were circling over the bottom road in Upper Milovaig, mid afternoon.


There was a biscuity juvenile Iceland Gull on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel at 3:30pm.


There was an otter fishing by the pontoon at Meanish, mid afternoon.


There were a few groups of common dolphins far out off Neist Point at mid-day totalling 20-30 animals. There was a single harbour porpoise close inshore at Neist, early afternoon.

There was a pied wagtail at Neist Point Car Park.

There were six male pied wagtails at Meanish Pier, late afternoon and two great northern plus two red-throated divers on the loch.


There were six harbour porpoises in Moonen Bay.

Whooper Swans - Loch Mor
March 2021

5 whooper swans went north over Neist Point and 18 landed on Loch Mor, late morning. There were 35 skylarks at Neist, compared to 1 on Saturday, with one seen coming in off the sea from the direction of Rum/Canna. All the nesting ledges were deserted again, with just a handful of fulmars remaining.

The first returning lesser black-backed gull was on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day.



There was an otter outside Puffin Cottage, Lower Milovaig, early afternoon (Michael Ryding).


Iceland Gull - Neist Point
February 2021

The first two meadow pipits were back At Neist Point. There was a juvenile Iceland gull at Neist, six gannets off-shore, the fulmars and auks are back on the nesting ledges.

There is still a little grebe regularly feeding between the two slipways at Meanish.


Skylarks - Lower Milovaig
February 2021

Eight skylarks were back at Lower Milovaig this morning, a flock of 7 on the top road and 1 in territory.


There was an adult Iceland gull on the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


There first returning skylark of the spring was in the garden at 6 Waterstein (Rhona Smith).


Snow Bunting - Dunvegan
February 2021

There were three snow buntings at the Water Pumping Station on the B884 Glendale road just outside of Dunvegan.


Just one snow bunting was on the B884 between the Ramasaig turning and Upper Milovaig in the morning (Alison Stables).


There are still three snow buntings by the B884 at the entrance tracks to 13 and 12 Upper Milovaig. There was a little grebe off Meanish and a lapwing at Meanish, late morning.


There were 3 snow buntings by the access track to 13 Upper Milovaig at 2:30pm.


An otter walked along the bottom road in Lower Milovaig from No. 2 towards No. 1 at 10:10am.

Snow Bunting - Upper Milovaig
February 2021

Snow Bunting - Upper Milovaig
February 2021

Snow Bunting - Upper Milovaig
February 2021

There were six snow buntings beside the road at 8 Upper Milovaig at 11:30am that flew across to the top road.


The first two lapwings of the spring were at Orbost and there were four golden plovers at Orbost. There was a great northern diver in Bharcasaig Bay.

There was a woodcock walking around on the lawn at 2 Lower Milovaig, mid afternoon.


There was a drake goosander off the white beach at Lower Milovaig at mid-day.


Golden Plover - Neist Point
February 2021

There were nine golden plovers at Neist Point and two at Lephin in the morning.


There was a male reed bunting in the garden at 6 Waterstein, late afternoon (Rhona Smith).

January 2021


There was a juvenile Iceland gull on the skerries in Loch Pooltiel, late morning. There were two juvenile white-tailed eagles by Pooltiel Fish Farm, late morning.


White-Tailed Eagle - Milovaig
January 2021

A 'new' adult white-tailed eagle was photographed in the garden at 2 Lower Milovaig this morning. It had the remains of red wing tags. This bird was believed to have been released in Tayside in 2011.

There were two golden plovers at Neist Point. The shags were back on the nesting ledges at Neist today and carrying nesting materials. There was a constant thin stream of common guillemots heading north past Neist Point.


Juvenile Golden Eagle - Milovaig
January 2021

There were three juvenile golden eagles circling together over Upper Milovaig before heading over to Borrodale at 12:30pm.


There was a woodcock at Borrodale School at dusk.


There was a woodcock circlng the garden at 1 Lower Milovaig at dusk. The first I have seen this winter.


There was an otter in the road at 1 Lower Milovaig at 5:30pm trying to get into the hen enclosure before heading off below the road.


There were tawny owls hooting at both Lephin and Upper Milovaig in the evening.


White-Tailed Eagle - Neist
January 2021

There were 20-30 common dolphins off Neist Point from Barra up to Benbecula and some came across to the Neist side briefly. There were two harbour porpoises close inshore at Neist.

There was a mixed flock of 50 purple sandpipers and turnstones at Neist Point. There was a single gannet in the Minch off Neist. An adult white-tailed eagle flew south past the tip of Neist Point.


There were six twites in the last sheep fank before Neist at Waterstein.

A very happy New Year to all the regular readers of this blog and a warm welcome to new visitors!

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