Glendale, Skye - Tourist Guide

Glendale Tourist Guide

Saturday July 27th, 2024

The Walk to the Summit of Waterstein Head

A short walk to the Trig Point on Waterstein Head, giving astounding views. 2-3 miles. 2 hours.

Getting There

From Milovaig, follow the road back towards Glendale and take your first right onto the Neist Road. You can either walk, or take the car.

Continue along this road as it gently climbs uphill and park in the lay-by on the left hand side when you reach the summit. This is at the point where the road begins to descend steeply down to Waterstein.

The Walk

Running at 90 degrees to the road, to your left, you will see a stone/turf dyke running along the ridge towards Waterstein Head. Follow the ridge, as it climbs towards Waterstein Head, and then continue along the edge of the cliff, on a well-worn track until you reach the summit and Trig Point (970 feet above sea-level).

The views are incredible, through 360 degrees: with MacLeod’s Tables behind, Lorgill Bay to your left, the Western Isles ahead, and Moonen Bay/Neist to the right.

For those wishing to extend the walk, it is possible to continue along the cliff top, towards Ramasaig, and cut across the moor to join up with the Ramasaig road, or re-trace your steps back to the lay-by.

Waterstein Head and Loch Mor
Waterstein Head reflected in Loch Mor.

Waterstein Sightings & News

21st Jul 2024

There was a minke whale, a harbour porpoise, a distant pod of 8 Risso's dolphins and a distant pod of c. 20 common dolphins off Neist Point in the afternoon.

The minke whale surfaced several times at Neist between 4pm and 5pm (Simon Clark).

Great Skua - Neist
July 2024

Arctic Skua - Neist
July 2024

There were six arctic skuas, four bonxies and two puffins moving south off Neist Point in the afternoon. There were 20 manx shearwaters out in the Minch.

18th Jul 2024

Orca - Neist
July 2024

Orcas, John Coe & Aquarius, went south past Neist Point at 8:30pm (Alan Rigell & Shona, Andy Stables).

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